In the last article I covered how scent control is vital to monster buck hunting and now we will discuss location.  Hunters don’t like moving through brier bushes and thorny shoulder high brush.  For the whitetail buck, though, this is ideal territory.  With their smooth fur coat, the briers slide across them and do not snag as they do on most hunting gear and camo.  Monster bucks typically avoid major cow paths, deer highways, and typical animal crossings.  Their preferred territory puts them deep in the thickest and hardest to reach areas.

This major detail is one reason why many successful hunters prepare to embark far from the beaten path to connect with a bruiser buck.  Especially when hunting public land, it is highly recommended that a hunter travel into unmarked territory.  In studies via GPS- researchers found that most hunters travel only a short distance into public land areas and their more successful fellow hunters travel much farther.

Got any other things that work great for you?  Post them in the comments below and we will try to update this article to include them.