Now I found a lot of very bad taxidermy when looking into this topic and I chose to leave a lot of the worst stuff out for two reasons. First some of it was just downright disrespectful to the animal that died. Every true hunter worth his or her integrity has respect for the animal they take, so some taxidermy is just something I won't acknowledge. Secondly, some of the pieces were distinctly pagan and bordeline demonic. So out of respect for my Lord, I will not share those either. You are welcome to search them on Google. The ones I have included are either very obviously failed attempts, poor quality, old techniques that never made it out of their decade, and pieces that left me saying 'what were they thinking?"
Poor violated mouse, now USB.
The infamous jackalope.
The next two are old and therefore were probably pioneers in spite of what poor replicas they are. Most leopards at least have teeth.
Can I just ask who covers a fish with fur?
Yes, they dyed this fox green.
I don't know either so don't ask...
Got any other examples?